Sometimes, it's imperative to encourage yourself to press through. Even when you really can not see the end result, there has to be a faith that will prevail in the process. At that moment, God will take his strength, replace it with your flesh and lift you and I to a place of refuge. One in which, only He can perform once we place our faith and trust in Him. This morning, it was raining steadily as we prepared to attend church services. One mind said, it is raining entirely too hard to get out and the temperatures were dropping. Not to mention, this is my Sunday I committed to assist with Children's Church. Although we arrived about fifteen minutes after services started, we were well in time to prepare for the children. They actually arrived about fifteen minutes thereafter. Thus, the time was in our favor and I was dropped off under the shed, so I didn't get wet at all. As I pressed through to honor my commitment, I realized that although I saw a few obstacles, I walke...