Have you ever been near or around water and felt a tranquility that compares to nothing else. The stillness and peace that water provides is so sweet. Whether beach side or looking over the pier at a reservoir, there is something that exudes a sense of peace that I feel when I am near water or hear running water. It can something as simple as walking past an aquarium filled with fish and water. That same tranquility is what God wants us to have each day of our lives. I have come to a point in my life that I pursue peace and dismiss anything contrary. God does not want us to be in turmoil, distress, worried, or consumed with the cares of this World. I know it is not easy, but let us make a concentrated effort to pursue peace. The word peace appears 429 times in the Bible. J ohn 14:27, 27 " Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid" (New K...
This blog serves as a conduit to uplift and share real life experiences with those who have the desire and thirst for spiritual growth.